Queer Body Programme/Drag Performances PUMPKINGS AND HALLOQUEENS

/македонски подолу/

Queer Body Programme/Drag Performances


October 28, 2023, 8:00 p.m

@Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts


🧚‍♀️Ball with and without masks! See you there with Iggy Mona Asentra, Lazarus, Linda Socialista, Fendi Mama, Tia Doll, Daria Buffy, Estella Dark and Klara Mark.

Meet the debutants Karli, Electra Blossom and Discordia.

DJ set by Dejan Slamkov


LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture the third year in the continuation organizes the Queer body programme with the aim to enable the space for creating, sharing, and producing queer culture. The local community will have the opportunity to share their experiences with international and local artists and collaborators in opening new spaces and forms for the expression and development of drag culture.

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Квир / Настрано тело програма | Дрег шминка 101: работилница со Маја Миланова

Квир/Настрано тело програма/ Дрег шминка 101 работилница со Маја Миланова || 6 октомври 2023 година, 18:00 часот @Галерија на Факултетот за ликовни уметности

ЛОКОМОТИВА-Центар за нови иницијативи во уметноста и културата, веќе трета година ја организира програмата Квир тело, со цел да овозможи простор за креирање, споделување и продуцирање на драг и квир култура. Локалната заедница ќе има можност да ги сподели своите искуства со меѓународните и локалните уметници и соработници и да отвори нови простори и форми за изразност и развој на драг културата. 

*******EN below

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Queer body programme/ Workshop with drag performer Linda Socialista

/македонски подолу/

Queer body programme/ Workshop with drag performer Linda Socialista

Be Pyg(ay)malion and create your Gaylatheia!

Јune 15, 2023, 18:00 @ KOMITET


LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture in collaboration with the socio-cultural center Komitet, third year in the continuation organizes the program Queer body programme with aim to enable the space for creating, sharing and producing drag and queer culture. The local community will have the opportunity to share their experiences with international and local artists and collaborators and open new spaces and forms for the expression and development of drag culture… 

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THE ULTIMATE #3 – a workshop with drag performers

/македонски подолу/

Queer body program/ Dance and choreography workshop
THE ULTIMATE #3 – with drag performers Irma Swan and Tita Extra Vita
06/06/2022, 18:00
Комитет / Komitet
LOKOMOTIVA-Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture in collaboration with the socio-cultural center Komitet, third year in the continuation organizes the program Queer body programme with aim to enable the space for creating, sharing and producing drag and queer culture. The local community will have the opportunity to share their experiences with international and local artists and collaborators and open new spaces and forms for the expression and development of drag culture…

In the frame of the Queer body programme, Lokomotiva organizes several open workshops of lip-syncing, live singing, dance and performance with the drag community, aiming to support the development of the movements and “bodies of resistance” as part of the drag culture. This project was created to encourage and give the visibility of the local drag culture and its members.

The open series of workshops and performances with drag artists, actors and artists, will be led by the drag artists themselves Dario Barretto Damas (known as Irma Swan), Aleksandar Georgiev (known as Tita Extra Vita), Jana Jakimovska (known as Linda Socialista), Simona Spirovska an actress, dancer and performer and Maja Milanova make-up artist and with the participants together will explore the various practices related to the culture.

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